Alex Papavassiliou
Alex Papavassiliou is a contemporary artist whose works focus on semiotics, the study of signs, and the “semiotic turn” that represents a shift in perspective in the way scholars and artists conceive and interpret the world. At the center there is always a man and his "mental space", the only dimension in which emotion exists and in which the signifier dominates over the signified, the obtuse takes over the obvious, the universal wins on the detail. In his creative universe, artistic compositions find their origin in oil painting, evolve into NFT digital art collections, to further transform themselves into a new material world.
The Collection
The cycle of works “Semiotic Turn – NFT Texture Print” was born from the idea of combining digital art with EMMEVI's innovative systems, to create new forms of art in which the originality and uniqueness of each work are created by the combination of manual and industrial processes. Each NFT TEXTURE PRINT collection is generated starting from an original painting, from which the artist develops a collection of unique digital works (NFT), with corresponding creations on plastic textures obtained from recycled materials (TEXTURE PRINT).

Article published on February 14 2024 at “Il Giornale”